Services / Therapies / Techniques: Acupuncture of Greenville - Greenville, SC
(954-330-9425 cell) (CLICK for Service Descriptions)
New Patients accepted Nov 1 through Mar 12 in Greenville location:
General Fee Structure (Esthetician / Skin Care Prices below):
New Patient / FIRST VISIT: $175.00 (consultation and first treatment) - During this visit we discuss your case,
possible solutions / course of treatment and recommended number of treatments - 1.5 hr
One Visit: $125 - 1 hr in-person or Teledoc (live virtual)
Series of 3 visits: $315 ($105. / visit) in-person or Teledoc (live virtual)
Series of 6 visits: $570 ($95. / visit) This series may be shared among family members in same household
Microneedling: $250/session, $595/3 series, $995/6 series
(the most popular facial regeneration technique right now!) -
"Get-in-the-Zone" - Something Just Feels Off - Axialtonal Alignment - single $349 / couple $499
Previously secret, ancient Acupuncture "extra-ordinary" sequence of points which seem to
connect your physical body to the energetic lines of the Universe to get you back on your path - 1 hr
Use the power of the universe for optimal performance in sports, life or health.
(includes 2 extra intuitive alignments a week apart to keep you "on-the-Grid and in-the-Zone")
(Axialtonal Alignment Activation -for when you just feel "off", things are not flowing or you feel "lost". )
"Align with our Purpose" - Project Axialtonal Alignment - $2495 (up to 5 team members per project)
Use the power of the universe for optimal performance in business or project to "up" your game.
NOTE: Unused series expire end of March each year.
Payment accepted: Cash, All Major Credit Cards (square)
(NOTE 2024: credit card fees of 2.6% +.10 per transaction for in-person sales, billed sales or are 3.3% +.30 per transaction, manually entered at 3.5% +.15)
Gift Cards Available (click)
Acupuncture (including Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture):
Specialty Acupuncture Treatments:
Immunotherapy Treatment to increase body electrons
Detox & De-Stress
Stop Smoking
Pain - e-stim
Massage Therapies, Structural Realignment, Rehab
Medical-type Therapeutic Massage / NeuroMuscular (NMT) / Structural Realignment / Sports Massage
. . . neck pain, hip pain, shoulders, knees, back, etc. - performed fully clothed
Rehab Home Program (HartMoves360 instruction and printed guide)
Sports Rehab Therapy
Cranial Technique
Nutritional Therapy:
Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)
Weight Loss Program (lose that "Fluffy Fat" for good!)
Candida Elimination Program
complete 2 week system to eliminate that stubborn "fluffy fat"
once and for all (includes techniques and supplements)
Bio-Energetic Therapies:
Allergy Elimination Technique which eliminates allergies in 3 minutes
Zyto (Galvanic Technology Health Scan) (scan organs & systems and suggests supplements and therapies)
Remote Nutrition Testing (discover what you body is missing to keep it healthy and remove blockages to disease)
Reiki (Energy Healing Technique) $125 includes minimum of 3 Reiki session (20-30 min. ea.)
"I can't get over my emotional issue" (Emotional Release Technique addressing: anger, resentment, fears,
anxiety, frustration, irritation, aggrevation, grief, guilt, worry, doubt, self worth issues -
Free up your life! Works in 3 minutes)
Immune Boosting - Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM):
Electron Loading: The body is electric and Electro-Acupuncture provides the much needed electrons
for immune and healing! - Get results you won't find anywhere else with EAM
Rebuilding Techniques
Cold Laser / RF / Ultrasound /
Infrared Red Light Therapy /
High Frequency / Micro-needling
Call to schedule: 954-330-8425 (text or leave message)
FaceBook link:
New Patients accepted Nov 1 through Mar 12 in Greenville location:
General Fee Structure (Esthetician / Skin Care Prices below):
New Patient / FIRST VISIT: $175.00 (consultation and first treatment) - During this visit we discuss your case,
possible solutions / course of treatment and recommended number of treatments - 1.5 hr
One Visit: $125 - 1 hr in-person or Teledoc (live virtual)
Series of 3 visits: $315 ($105. / visit) in-person or Teledoc (live virtual)
Series of 6 visits: $570 ($95. / visit) This series may be shared among family members in same household
Microneedling: $250/session, $595/3 series, $995/6 series
(the most popular facial regeneration technique right now!) -
"Get-in-the-Zone" - Something Just Feels Off - Axialtonal Alignment - single $349 / couple $499
Previously secret, ancient Acupuncture "extra-ordinary" sequence of points which seem to
connect your physical body to the energetic lines of the Universe to get you back on your path - 1 hr
Use the power of the universe for optimal performance in sports, life or health.
(includes 2 extra intuitive alignments a week apart to keep you "on-the-Grid and in-the-Zone")
(Axialtonal Alignment Activation -for when you just feel "off", things are not flowing or you feel "lost". )
"Align with our Purpose" - Project Axialtonal Alignment - $2495 (up to 5 team members per project)
Use the power of the universe for optimal performance in business or project to "up" your game.
NOTE: Unused series expire end of March each year.
Payment accepted: Cash, All Major Credit Cards (square)
(NOTE 2024: credit card fees of 2.6% +.10 per transaction for in-person sales, billed sales or are 3.3% +.30 per transaction, manually entered at 3.5% +.15)
Gift Cards Available (click)
Acupuncture (including Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture):
Specialty Acupuncture Treatments:
Immunotherapy Treatment to increase body electrons
Detox & De-Stress
Stop Smoking
Pain - e-stim
Massage Therapies, Structural Realignment, Rehab
Medical-type Therapeutic Massage / NeuroMuscular (NMT) / Structural Realignment / Sports Massage
. . . neck pain, hip pain, shoulders, knees, back, etc. - performed fully clothed
Rehab Home Program (HartMoves360 instruction and printed guide)
Sports Rehab Therapy
Cranial Technique
Nutritional Therapy:
Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)
Weight Loss Program (lose that "Fluffy Fat" for good!)
Candida Elimination Program
complete 2 week system to eliminate that stubborn "fluffy fat"
once and for all (includes techniques and supplements)
Bio-Energetic Therapies:
Allergy Elimination Technique which eliminates allergies in 3 minutes
Zyto (Galvanic Technology Health Scan) (scan organs & systems and suggests supplements and therapies)
Remote Nutrition Testing (discover what you body is missing to keep it healthy and remove blockages to disease)
Reiki (Energy Healing Technique) $125 includes minimum of 3 Reiki session (20-30 min. ea.)
"I can't get over my emotional issue" (Emotional Release Technique addressing: anger, resentment, fears,
anxiety, frustration, irritation, aggrevation, grief, guilt, worry, doubt, self worth issues -
Free up your life! Works in 3 minutes)
Immune Boosting - Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM):
Electron Loading: The body is electric and Electro-Acupuncture provides the much needed electrons
for immune and healing! - Get results you won't find anywhere else with EAM
Rebuilding Techniques
Cold Laser / RF / Ultrasound /
Infrared Red Light Therapy /
High Frequency / Micro-needling
Call to schedule: 954-330-8425 (text or leave message)
FaceBook link: